January 24, 2008


some neutral tones at la boqueria


  1. hi

    love your blog!

    speaking of shopping, have you come across any BCN equivalent of what we in n. america would call a "dollar store" or "99¢" store?

    i'm going to be in BCN in april and would love to find such a place

    thanks again for your very enjoyable writing

  2. @luke

    thanks so much! it's great to get some feedback.

    there is a place like a 99 cents store, I believe two of them actually, though the exact locations i don't remember. one of them was located in born near the market (walk towards ciutdella from the front of the cathedral, you'll hit a market with a wavy, colorful roof, take a right there) somewhere, and it was actually an "everything-one-euro" type store. there was also another one somewhere near portaferrissa off las ramblas. it was bigger, but i don't know if it was all one euro.

    depending on what you're looking for, you might also want to look at some of the little chinese-run markets around. there was a good one called coses de casa on guillem tell near metro fontana. they're everywhere, and have a good variety of things for very cheap, from toilet paper to american-style halloween costumes and fake christmas trees.

    let me know if you want any more recommendations for your trip, and have fun!
